An implementation of a floating-point system conforming to this standard may be realized entirely in software, entirely in hardware, or in any combination of software and hardware. 此规范中的浮点数系统可以通过软件、硬件,或者软硬件相结合的形式来实现。
This algorithm compares the R-D slope value rapidly in the logarithmic domain, which can avoid the floating-point computation that makes it easy for hardware implementation. 在对数域中对率失真斜率进行快速比较,从而避免了斜率浮点模式的运算;
GPU is suited for parallel computing that can be expressed as the problem of parallel computing arithmetic density is very high, and floating-point computing power much higher than the CPU, the same amount of GPU computing hardware cost significantly lower than the CPU cost of hardware. GPU非常适合处理那些能够表示为并行计算的问题,并行计算的算术计算密度非常高,且浮点运算能力大大超过CPU,相同计算量GPU的硬件成本也大大低于CPU硬件成本。